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BIG League

The Boules in Gwent League

Fixtures 2024

Fixture lists for 2024 will be published when available.
Please check that there are no errors with these lists.
Report any problems to one of:

Basil White (Wheatsheaf),  07905 567094, Secretary
Derek Jones (Panteg), 07739 560872, Treasurer
or Shun Price:, 07970 974205, Chair.

Each week, the home team should send in the results as soon as possible after the match is complete.

Results to Basil White.

e-mail:; text: 07905 567094.

Choose and click a Division

Following the withdrawal of Taines Flankers, the fixture lists for divisions 2 and 3 were modified on April 3rd.
The Pottery Pirates and ROF Exiles have since also withdrawn. They also have become a Bye.

Division 1

Division 2

Division 3

Division 4
